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Setting up Xubuntu has involved allot of use of the 'terminal' like the Windows command line but way more integrated into the everyday experience. Especially for installing software.

Ctlr+Alt+T to open it

Then types a command, or more likely copy and paste from a website tutorial or forum. Copy is CTRL+SHIFT+C, paste is CTRL+SHIFT+V. Then press enter to execute it. It feels very opaque as nothing much happens. For example you can create a new folder using command ""mk TEST"", and there is no indication in the terminal that it worked despite the folder called test appearing in unless you type an actual command.

In the example below I create a new folder and a new file. As per this introductory tutorial: https://maker.pro/linux/tutorial/basic-linux-commands-for-beginners

<figure class=”“wp-block-image size-large””><a href=”“https://gisdriverslicence.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/image.png””><img src=”“https://gisdriverslicence.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/image.png?w=1024”” alt=”””” class=”“wp-image-509”” /></a></figure>

The key use of the terminal seems to be to instahis and configure software. This is often a quick option compared with the graphical way for common software like Chrome. For more complex software like GeoServer or PostgresSQL database it becomes integral to the process.

The sudo command refers to acting as super user, apt is application and install installs. I got stumped by entering the password, nothing happens. Turns out passwords are hidden, you type, press enter and hope for the best.

There is the idea of repositories, lists of software available for download and install.

<pre class=”“wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code””># Download software $ wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb


$ sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb


$ google-chrome</pre>